Introduction of ST system & Fusion

2 min readMar 8, 2022



・What is ST?

ST(Stamina) is a necessary value that Fusion, NFT-DeFi, NFT-Mining, NFT-Staking will be used.

・Why import ST system?

The release of the Fusion function and picture book function can sharply reduce the distribution volume of NFT assets with low star (★) levels on the market, the price may rise sharply. Therefore, OVO decided to introduce the ST system in order to adjust the supply and demand balance of NFT assets and provide a fairer environment for new users.

・ST(Stamina) rules

a、The maximum ST value (99ST) will be given to a user every day.

b、The ST values consumed when fusion different star (★) levels are as follows:

Fusion:1★→2★ Cost: 3 ST

Fusion:2★→3★ Cost: 4 ST

Fusion:3★→4★ Cost: 8 ST

Fusion:4★→5★ Cost:16 ST

c、Maximum ST value is 99

d、ST will be restored as maximum 99 at 0:00 JST (UTC +9) every day.

e、Every time ST is consumed, the Fusion success rate will increase.

Fusion Rules



When Fusion 5 same NFTs for higher level, the success rate in the above will all be + 2%.

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When Fusion 5 same NFTs for higher level, the success rate in the above will all be + 2%.



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